EmilyCoxWellnessPortraits81.jpg ( my roots) .jpg

MY roots

Hi I’m Emily!

I am a Yoga Teacher turned Nutrition Preacher.
I help women end the war on their body through functional and root cause based medicine.
Are you ready to take back the reins of your health?

I am a Functional Nutritionist and Yoga Instructor.
After receiving my undergrad in Psychology, and Holistic Heath Coaching certification, I earned my M.S in Nutrition Science and Education, and completed The Functional Nutrition Academy. I combine functional medicine and functional movement to offer systematic yet sustainable results to all of my clients by focusing on the person instead of the ailment.

I work with clients 1:1 as well as in my group functional medicine programs. I use my type-a personality & science mind to help you reach optimal health because I know from first hand experience the struggle and frustration of feeling like you are at war with your body.

I abandon template medicine to ensure quality recommendations that are based on your unique, bio-individual needs & I make it my mission to provide my clients with the most un-biased, yet up-to-snuff information so you don’t have to worry about the overwhelm that often follows late night googling of symptoms.

I inspire my clients to:

⎆Ditch diet dogma
⎆Let go of restriction
⎆Abandon template medicine
⎆Become an active participant in your healing

I work with clients who struggle with:

⎆Digestive disorders including SIBO and IBS
⎆Hormone imbalance including thyroid disorders and Adrenal dysfunction
⎆Autoimmune conditions
⎆Sleep and Blood sugar issues

Are you ready to take the guessing out of food?